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Shelter For Life Supports Sustainable Cashew Production in SeGaBi Region

August 29, 2024
As part of its ongoing efforts to enhance productivity and improve the quality of cashew cultivation in the SeGaBi region, Shelter For Life International (SFL) has launched an initiative aimed at empowering local farmers in the face of climate change. Through the agriculture component of the LIFFT Cashew project, SFL...
Shelter for Life, USDA engage stakeholders on LIFFT-Cashew project

Shelter for Life, USDA engage stakeholders on LIFFT-Cashew project

May 22, 2024
Shelter for Life et le Département de l’agriculture des États-Unis (USDA) ont récemment rencontré des responsables du ministère de l’Agriculture et d’autres parties prenantes du gouvernement sur le thème « Relier les infrastructures, les finances et les fermes à la noix de cajou (LIFFT-Cashew) en Gambie ». L’événement, qui s’est...
USDA LIFFT Cashew Project - Busines Forum in Senegal

Business Forum in Senegal

May 20, 2024 ...
USDA LIFFT Cashew Project - Business Forum in Guinea Bissau

Busines Forum in Guinea Bissau

May 20, 2024 ...
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This is a 6-year program (2017-2023) funded by USDA and implemented by Shelter for Life International to enhance the production and trade of cashews in local and international markets.

The LIFFT-Cashew project works around four objectives which are:


Increase RCN quality

Production: High yields and high quality of RCN in trees


Production of  organic RCN

Organic certification: Production of organic RCN


Post-harvest Farming

Maintain high quality of RCN after harvesting


Post-production handling

Improve post-production handling, and strengthen farm management.

Our Components

Our Components


On-Farm Practices


Training on good agricultural practices was provided to 20,946 cashew producers through pre-selected cooperative members as trainers/facilitators, who attended thematic train-the-trainer modules on pruning, thinning, nut separation, drying, storage, organic standards, and new plantation establishment techniques. A total of 721 trainers were trained. 32 nurseries were established by the support of the project in three countries and in total 98.000 seedlings were produced and sold to cashew producers. In total 46.815 hectares of cashew plantations were improved by application of good agricultural practices. 3.027 producers were certified for organic production.

Market Access


24 cooperative societies were established or strengthened by providing series of training and daily coaching on business management, access to finance, sales, and market relations. Massive sensitization of cooperatives was supported, reaching at least 25,278 cashew producers. This resulted 145 commercial contracts signed between cooperatives and buyers, on supply of RCN. In total 122.397 MT of cashew nuts were sold collectively amounting $105.912.210 in value of sales.

LIFFT Cashew Truck Loading

Access to Finance


The Project is working with financial institutions to increase access to microcredits and loans to cashew producers and processors. Two (2) financial institutions (microfinance) provided loans in amount of $917,897 and fifty-three (53) individual buyers and trading companies provided to producers and cooperatives pre-financing in amount of $64.487.593. The project Cashew fund disbursed to nine (9) processing facilities loans in amount of $740.000 for purchase of raw cashew nuts (RCN) during the season, that leveraged $4.641.041 private investment into the cashew sector. 1.777 individuals (incl. 463 women) were trained about entrepreneurship, financial management, loans.



Construction and rehabilitation of rural roads to facilitate the flow of cashew nuts. combines both heavy machinery and manual labor to create employment opportunities. To date 136,24 KM of feeder roads constructed and 4,640 jobs created. In total 15.564 m3 of storage were rehabilitated and constructed which allowed farmers to maintain quality and organize collective sales.

Road construction - Lifft-Cashew Project - Shelter For Life International

Our Achievements

105.9Millions Value of sales of beneficiaries who received USDA assistance
122397MT Volume of commodities sold by beneficiaries who received USDA assistance
32832Number of individuals who have benefitted directly because of USDA
46815 haNumber of hectares under improved technologies
136.24Kilometers of agricultural feeder roads and connector