Find out below detailled information about the SFL‘s LIFFT-Cashew Project partner’s cooperatives in Guinea-Bissau
About Us
Our ambition is to be a national and international leader in the production and processing of cashew nuts in the coming years, to contribute to the development of the local population, to fight poverty and, at the same time, and to allow members to improve their daily living conditions
Our Goals
Our goal is to create a processing plant for the Ganadu cooperative to be able to process nuts and develop the value chainand also to fight against the rural exodus, allowing young people to undertake in different areas of the value chain.
Our Contacts
President | Braima Biai
Secretary | Tidjani Danfa
Tresorary | Fatu Sanha
SFL's coach | Rui
Our Location
Canchungo, CACHEU
Our Gallery
About Us
Our ambition is to create conditions for affiliated organizations to become autonomous and to allow organizations to be at the same level of development
Our Goals
Our goal is to create a processing plant for the Balantacounda cooperative to be able to process nuts and develop the value chainand also to fight against the rural exodus, allowing young people to undertake in different areas of the value chain.
Our Contacts
President | Antonio P. Baptista
Secretary | Victorino Cà
Tresorary | Clodé N’dafa
SFL's coach | Antonio Vaz
Our Location
Biguene, CACHEU
Our Gallery
About Us
For 5 years, the cooperative has its own autonomy to buy cashew nuts in the hands of its members. It helps for the promotion of participatory development of the educational system in the Biombo region.
Our Goals
Our goal is to create a processing plant for the Balantacounda cooperative to be able to process nuts and develop the value chainand also to fight against the rural exodus, allowing young people to undertake in different areas of the value chain.
Our Contacts
President | Quecuto Camara
Secretary | Bacari Seidi
Tresorary | Sunu Na Ndemi
SFL's coach | Antonio Vaz
Our Location
Our Gallery
About Us
For 5 years, the cooperative has its own autonomy to buy cashew nuts in the hands of its members. It helps for the promotion of participatory development of the educational system in the Biombo region.
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Daniel N Nanque
Secretary | Domingas Dju
Tresorary | Elsa da Silva
SFL's coach | Rui Matéus
Our Location
Biombo, BIOMBO
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of CONGAI
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Augusto Mango
Secretary | Marcelino Vasconcelos
Tresorary | Mariama Camara
SFL's coach | Rui Matéus
Our Location
Canchungo, CACHEU
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is the broad participation of the local population in solving their problems, allowing their formation and local appropriation in order to increase productivity, local income, socioeconomic expenditure and incest, reducing environmental destruction, reducing rural exodus, increasing young people and women businesswomen.
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Teixeira Intande
Secretary | Fatumata Camara
Tresorary | Flinto Lapna
SFL's coach | Antonio Vaz
Our Location
Mansoa, OIO
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is the facilitation and sustainable connection between the countryside and the city and adequate distribution of local products, improvement of family nutrition and food security and autonomy, and promotion of the creation of requeiza or savings in rural areas
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Mamadu Silla
Secretary | Mama Baldé
Tresorary | Adulai Candé
SFL's coach | Antonio Vaz
Our Location
Farim, OIO
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of CONGAI
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Amelia V Mendes
Secretary | Ndjai Dabo
Tresorary | Senabu Mendes
SFL's coach | Hito Fernandes
Our Location
Sao Domingo, CACHEU
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of BINAR
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Zecarias
Secretary | Ndjai Dabo
Tresorary | Senabu Mendes
SFL's coach | Rui Matéus
Our Location
Guine Bissau- OIO – Binar
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of COOP- CA PRABIS
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Moises Ca
Secretary | Ndjai Dabo
Tresorary | Senabu Mendes
SFL's coach | Hito Fernandes
Our Location
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of CASMA
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Baba Sinhagte
Secretary | Ndjai Dabo
Tresorary | Senabu Mendes
SFL's coach | Antonio Vaz
Our Location
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of CJAM
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Contribuir para o desenvolvimento da população local, lutando contra a pobreza e, ao mesmo tempo, permitindo que os membros melhorem suas condições de vida diária. Ser líder nacional e internacional na produção e processamento de castanhas de caju e cerias para farinha nos próximos anos.
Our Contacts
President | Malam Cani
Secretary | Ndjai Dabo
Tresorary | Senabu Mendes
SFL's coach | Antonio Vaz
Our Location
Our Gallery
About Us
Our vision is to be a leader in the production and processing area, creating our own factory and creating the maximum number of jobs in the sector, being able to export our products both nationally and internationally. The goal is to increase its production, contain the rural exodus, fight hunger and promote jobs for young members of Bigeni
Our Goals
Facilitate local and international market access
Take advantage of cooperative equipment to be more performant
Work as a team to be more relevant in the market
Increase production with trainings on new agricultural practices
Our Contacts
President | Baciro Mane
Secretary | Ndjai Dabo
Tresorary | Senabu Mendes
SFL's coach | Hito Fernandes
Our Location
Our Gallery