Find out below detailled information about the SFL‘s LIFFT-Cashew Project partner’s cooperatives in Senegal

Coopérative agricoles de la chaine de valeur anacarde du Sine Saloum.
About Us
UCACVA-SS est une union des coopératives agricoles de la chaine valeur anacarde du Sine-Saloum.
Elle regroupe 17 coopérative autonomes. Son siége social se trouve à Passy; département de Foundiougne. UCACVA-SS est devenu union le 4/6/2022 et obtient son récipissé de reconnaissance
Our Activities
Cashew nut production
Market gardening
Our Contacts
President | Amadou Lamine CISSE
Secretary | Babacar NDAO
Tresorary | Abdoulaye TALL
SFL's coach | Ambalas DIATTA
Our Location
Our Gallery

Société Coopérative des Producteurs d’Anacarde de Manconobe
About Us
The Manconobe cooperative brings together cashew nut growers from the PAKAO region of Sédhiou. Its head office is in the village of Manconoba. CATP became a cooperative on 17/02/2023 and obtained its recognition certificate.
Our Activities
Production and Marketing
Cashew nuts
Vegetable growing
Tree growing
Our Contacts
President | Malick CISSE
Secretary | Karamo TOURE
Tresorary | Kalifa SYLLA
SFL's coach | Ambalas DIATTA
+221 78 011 57 45
Our Location
Our Gallery

Coopérative des Producteurs d’Anacardes de Coumbacara
About Us
The Société Coopérative de Coumbacara brings together cashew nut producers in the commune of Coumbacara.
Its head office is in Coumbacara; it became a cooperative on 17/08/2021 and its recognition receipt is pending.
Our Activities
Production and Marketing
Cashew nuts
Vegetable growing
Tree growing
Our Contacts
President | Mansaly DIAO
Secretary | Mamadou Diao BALDE
Tresorary | Dembarou BALDE
SFL's coach | Mamina MANE
Our Location
Coumbacara, KOLDA
Our Gallery

Producteurs d’Anarcade de Balantacounda
About Us
FAMVI is an agricultural cooperative located in Balantacoiunda.
It groups together 24 village associations whose head office is located in Simbandi Balante; Goudomp department. FAMVI became a cooperative on 08/07/2021 and its recognition receipt is pending.
Our Activities
Production and Marketing
Cashew nuts
Vegetable growing
Tree growing
Fruit processing
(cashew apples)
Our Contacts
President | Mamadou TOURE
Secretary | Joseph MANE
Tresorary | Youba SONKO
SFL's coach | Ambalas DIATTA
Our Location
Goudomp, SEDHIOU
Our Gallery

Cooperative Society in Bignona Department
About Us
Bouthiapay is a cooperative society in the department of Bignona. The cooperative’s head office is in Bouthiapay village in Bignina and it became a cooperative on 28/04/2022 and obtained its recognition certificate.
Our Activities
Production et Commercialisation
Our Contacts
President | Salifana DIATTA
Secretary | Birame SAGNA
Tresorary | Cire DIATTA
SFL's coach | Ambalas DIATTA
Our Location
Our Gallery

Coopérative de l’Association des Jeunes Agriculteurs de Casamance (AJAC-LUKAAL)
About Us
Ajac Lukaal is a cooperative society of young farmers in Casamance. The cooperative’s head office is in Ziguinchor. Ajac Lukaal became a cooperative on 10/11/2021 and obtained its recognition certificate.
Our Activities
Agriculture: cashew nut
Market gardening
Breeding (Sheep, Goats, Pigs etc.)
River fishing
Fruit and vegetable processing units
Our Contacts
President | Aliou DJIBA
Secretary | Ismael SANE
Tresorary | Landing BADJI
SFL's coach | Ambalas DIATTA
Our Location
Our Gallery

Coopérative des Producteurs d’Anacarde
About Us
Baluh-Na is a cooperative society of Bouhié producers in the Sédhiou department, Bambali commune. The cooperative’s head office is in Francounda. It was formerly a group of village associations. Following Shelter For Life’s support, Baluh-Na became a cooperative on 09/10/2021 and obtained its recognition certificate.
Our Activities
Production and Marketing
Cashew nuts
Vegetable growing
Tree growing
Our Contacts
President | Younouss MANSALY
Secretary | Séckou TECKAGNE
Tresorary | Gilbert SADIO
SFL's coach | Mamina MANE
Our Location
Bambaly, SEDHIOU
Our Gallery

Fédération des Associations pour le Développement Communautaire du Balantacounda
About Us
FADECBA is the Balantacounda producers’ cooperative society.
Headquartered in Goudomp, it was formerly a federation of village associations. FADECBA became a cooperative on 04/06/2022 and obtained its recognition certificate.
Our Activities
Production and Marketing
Cashew nuts
Vegetable growing
Tree growing
Our Contacts
President | Bakary Sonko
Secretary | Abdou Faty
Tresorary | Marie Mané
SFL's coach | Ambalas DIATTA
Our Location
Commune de Goudomp, Région de SEDHIOU
Our Gallery