Find out below more details about the SFL‘s LIFFT-Cashew Project partner’s cooperatives in The Gambia

Kombo Cashew Farmers Cooperative Society
About Us
Our ambition is to become the leading entity that produces quality RCN and Apples, control soil erosion and minimize desertification. Promote adherence to recommended cashew production practices to maintain quality. Maintain cordial and fruitful relationship with our local and international partners in development.
Our Goals
Our goal is to partner with Government and NGO agencies to radically exploit cashew production in The Gambia while diversifying production to food self-sufficiently initiatives for members and to creating suitable conditions for women and the entire membership in the promotion of livelihood in the involvement within the cashew sector.
Our Contacts
President | Kojo MENDY
Secretary | Sampierre Mendy
Tresorary | Pierre Mendy
SFL's coach | Sainey MANKA
Our Location
Bakary Sambouya, Kombo Central District, West Coast Region, The Gambia
Our Gallery

Kiang West Cashew Farmer Cooperative Society
About Us
Our ambition is to have a well established and functional cooperative society capable of providing its members with services including equipment required to promote their Cashew production, marketing and other businesses in order to improve their lives and livelihoods. To foster unity and cooperation among members of the cooperative and forge linkages with relevant government agencies and NGOs to facilitate the development of the district in order to improve the general well being of members and residents.
Our Goals
Our goal is to equip members with knowledge and skills on farm management on recommended and post harvest handling practices. To raise awareness of members in marketing strategies and promote collective sales of members RCN in order to address marketing challenges obtain better prices. ample quality production, processing and packaging. To Create linkages among cashew farmers within the district to form farmer associations and cooperatives with view to promote processing of RCN and provide gainful employment for members.
Our Contacts
President | Karafa SAMATEH
Secretary | Bakary DRAMMEH
Tresorary | Seedia CEESSAY
SFL's coach | Sainey MANKA
Our Location
Keneba village, Kiang West District, Lower River Region
Our Gallery

Ndarr Cashew Senela Cooperative Society
About Us
The Cooperative was formed in 2021, our ambition is to be the most organized and managed cooperative in the sub-region to provide valuable services to its members and to improve the lives and livelihood of of its members mainly through cashew production and marketing and other viable products.
Our Goals
Our goal is to encourage self reliance and develop cordial relationship with donors and funding agencies while building closer cooperation amongst members. Facilitate the production of quality RCN by members through adherence to good agricultural practices (GAP). Facilitate the marketing of produce by mobilizing collecting sales at the community level in order to obtain better prices.
Our Contacts
President | Musa SARR
Secretary | Kemo MANNEH
Tresorary | Alieu DRAMMEH
SFL's coach | Alhagie JOOF
Our Location
Fass Njaga Choi, Lower Niumi District, North Bank Region
Our Gallery

Natal Cashew Farmers Processing Cooperative Society
About Us
The Cooperative was formed in 20th January 2015, our ambition is to be the leading cooperative whose members produce the best quality RCN and apples in The Gambia and beyond. Promote cooperation amongst its members and forge relationship with other cooperatives and apex organizations with similar objectives.
Our Goals
Our goal is to provide relevant services to members of the cooperative in order to improve their lives and livelihood through the production and marketing of quality cashew nuts and apples. Engage in viable economic activities to increase the income base of the cooperative for the benefit of its members.
Our Contacts
President | Alieu NDURE
Secretary | Musa Njie
Tresorary | Edirissa Dumbuya
SFL's coach | Alhagie JOOF
Our Location
Jokadu District, North Bank Region, The Gambia
Our Gallery

Foni Bintang Cashew Farmers Cooperative Society
About Us
Our ambition is to become a viable and recognized cooperative in The Gambia and beyond that meet the needs of its members and network with other local and international organizations with similar aims and objectives for the benefit of its members.
Our Goals
Our goal is to foster cooperation and understanding amongst members of the cooperative and to encourage , promote and involve members into agro-income generating activities. To improve the lives and livelihood of members through through viable income generating ventures. Encourage and promote quality cashew nut and apple production by members for economic returns.
Our Contacts
President | Acting Mrs Isatou SANNEH
Secretary | Jalang GOMEZ
Tresorary | Yaya BADJIE
SFL's coach | Sainey MANKA
Our Location
Killy village, Foni Bintang Karanai, West Coast Region, The Gambia
Our Gallery