A two-day workshop was held at the Nema Kadior hotel in Ziguinchor (February 24-25), co-organized by the Lifft-Cashew Project implemented by Shelter for Life in collaboration with the regulatory body of the ORSRE warehouse receipt system.

The workshop aimed to establish and improve relationships between stakeholders and thereby strengthen the regional integrated trade network for the cashew value chain.

It also aimed to evaluate, adjust and improve the pilot system already in place with producer organizations, laying the foundations for the SRE’s 2025 strategic orientations and objectives in the cashew sector.

The workshop also aimed to establish a contractual framework between stakeholders (producers, traders, processors) in order to ensure the proper settlement of the financing of warehouse receptions significantly reduce the risk of poor sale.

This meeting was an opportunity to discuss with all stakeholders, including cooperatives, producers’ associations, processors, depositors and Senegalese financial institutions of cashew.

There has been discussion of redefining a new roadmap for marketing support through WRS.


According to the project manager Mr Fakhriddin Kuziboev warehouse receipt system is an important mechanism in the field of trade, logistics and financing.

It plays several roles including securing commercial transactions, serves as proof of deposit of goods in the warehouse and allows to secure the possession of goods, thus offering a guarantee to stakeholders (sellers, buyers, lenders).

He recalled the role played by the LIFFT Cashew project in promoting the use of warehouse receipts by training stakeholders on the importance and good agricultural practices. He spoke about the project’s involvement in the construction and rehabilitation of storage stores but also the distribution of jutes bags for cooperatives to guarantee the quality of the nuts.

He also concluded his speech by reassuring that the LIFFT-CASHEW project through Shelter For life funded by the Department of Agriculture of the United States is ready to continue alongside the regulatory body and producers for all actions aimed at a better 2025 campaign.


The new CEO reassures and proposes innovations such as the implementation of digital platforms for the show, the management and verification of warehouse receipts, which gives banks and financial institutions the opportunity to verify stocks in real time.

This will enable the certification and standardization of warehouses and quality control and storage procedures as well as the establishment of partnerships between banks, cooperatives and farmers to develop suitable financial products. Implementation of training and support programs, among other provisions.


Represented by Ms Fatou Sagna Sow Technical Advisor she was delighted with the workshop and the action plans put in place by the regulatory body in collaboration with Shelter For Life to the great benefit of actors in the cashew nut value chain.

However, with the new system in place, she believes that real efforts will have to be made to take ownership of it. Communication will play an important part in this process, moving from the actors to the state and from the state to the latter for a better management of concerns.

The workshop laid the foundations for enhanced collaboration between the different actors in the cashew value chain. The initiatives presented pave the way for better integration of SRE into commercial and agricultural practices, ensuring a safer and more effective 2025 campaign.



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