Cashew Cooperative President

Cashew Cooperative President

Mr AUGUSTO MANGO president of the Congaï cooperative and representative of the 08 cooperatives of Guinea Bissau

Having benefited from this capacity building in the area of financing has been a great help to us producers in Guinea Bissau.

’’The fruit of a collective work’’

In Guinea, most producers worked individually, including him at the head of the Congaï cooperative. Augusto Mango, since we are talking about him, confides that in 2020 a love story was born between SFL and the cooperative he leads.

After training, capacity building in cultivation techniques as well as access to financing, he became the strong man who succeeded in grouping the 08 cooperatives of Guinea Bissau, namely those of Congaï, Buwendena, Waquilari, Lampadas do Campos, Balantacounda, Caojoq, Opro and Ndelugau, which were working individually, into one block.

Their collaboration with SFL has earned him the trust of his peers by becoming their interlocutor and intermediary with financial institutions, but especially with other actors in the cashew sector thanks to Shelter For Life. Thus, according to Augusto Mango, the access to financing obtained has allowed them to better enlarge their field of intervention and to make a lot of profit.

« The LIFFT Cashew project funded by USDA and implemented by Shelter for Life International supports Senegal, The Gambia and Guinea Bissau (SeGaBi) in the integral development of the cashew value chain. The organization of cooperatives and their transformation is an important axis to ensure the sustainability of the activities promoted by the LIFFT Cashew project. »



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